
As the Head Boy of this esteemed institution, I am honoured to represent the student body and share a message with you all.

Our school is more than just a place of learning; it's a community, a family and a home. It is where we grow, discover and shape our future together. As students, we are the heart of this school and it is our collective energy, creativity and passion that make it thrive.

As we navigate our academic journey, let us remember to support one another, embrace our differences and celebrate our unique strengths. Let us strive for excellence, not just in our studies, but also in our character, sportsmanship and community service.

To my fellowmates,

I encourage you to get involved, take steps and pursue your interests with enthusiasm. Join clubs, participate in events and make the most of the opportunities available to you.

To our respected teachers, parents and staff,

I express my gratitude for your unwavering support and guidance. Your dedication and expertise shape us into compassionate, and responsible individuals.

As we move forward, let us uphold the values of our school: respect, integrity, inclusivity and excellence. Let us make our school proud and create a legacy that inspires future generations.

Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Together, we will achieve great things and make our school an exceptional place to learn, grow and thrive.


Abhinav Mukund

10 'C'

Head Boy (2024-25)

ST. Xavier's High School

St Xavier’s High School, our alma matter is the ground for true education inculcating within the students the art of perseverance.

Being appointed as its President is indeed a sincere responsibility, demanding absolute focus for constantly striving for the noble cause of our institution. For this, I would like to thank the Almighty God and my parents for empowering me with the strength and capability required. I express my profound feeling of gratitude to Reverend Fr. Principal, Fr. Vice Principal and respected teachers for entrusting me to serve this institution in elevating its morals and principles.

St Xavier’s has always provided us the means to nurture like seeds, manifesting our own beauty and excelling in all walks of life. The atmosphere offered by the Xaverians have always inspired me to bring out the best and the unique within me, as being unique is substantially relevant in the present world. It is well said, “To be ourself in a world that is constantly trying to make us something else is the greatest achievement.” Through this inspiration Xaverians all over the world are able to stand out from the crowd and are able to articulate themselves.

St Xavier’s High School has its own glorious history and legacy. As its President, I am obliged to endeavour in preserving its legacy and fuel leadership potential by demonstrating a better path of development. Indeed I as well as all the Xaverians have imbibed the virtue to serve at all times ‘For God and Country’ and always remember that once a Xaverian, always a Xaverian.


10 ‘B’

PRESIDENT (2023-24)

I would thank the almighty God for being my source of guidance and all those who helped me in attaining this prestigious position.

I have been given the responsibility of upholding the prestige and glory of our school and I feel extremely grateful for being entrusted by our Reverend Fr.Principal, Fr. Vice-Principal and all the respected teachers.St Xavier's makes those who make a better society, as our school's motto is to 'Serve God and Country'. I think for our school, legacy means discipline and I truly believe in this. I wish to carry forward this legacy of our school. From the very beginning of this prestigious institution, Xavierians had been establishing their prominence in the society and this shall be continued till the end of the era of education. This school inspires me a lot as it has been witnessed as the best one in terms of imparting education and conducting co-curricular activities in the very tranquil premises. So for the glory of our school, I shall be serving this prestigious institution with my utmost sincerity. I feel overwhelmed being the President of such a school which inspires every  strata of the society and serves the 'Creator'. By the passing of each successive day, we see our character becoming stronger and our motivation enhancing towards doing something for the betterment of the society. "As it moulds and builds our character to face the world and win" goes in our school anthem. Proud to be a Xavierian and determined to "Serve God and Country".

Divyanshu Sinha
(10-A) President

In my opinion, “A true XAVERIAN” is the one who strives to become better every successive day, not only in academics but also in humanitarian values”.

It is an honor for me to become the president of student council in such a prestigious institution. I am very grateful to all my teachers and principal who thought of me to be capable of fearing the great responsibility of leading the student council team. And I promise to establish discipline in our school and maintain its decorum. Our school aims at transforming every individual to become men and women of Competence, Conscience, Compassion and Commitment. Being a member of Student Council brings me a step closer to achieve the goal. The dedication of our teachers is inevitable which stirs the mind and soul of very student. The positive essence and good vibes of St. Xavier’s High School certainly has something that no other school has which “moulds and builds our character to face the world and win”.

So let us all remember the motto of our school, “For God and Country” along with the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola, “ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam”- For the Greater Glory of God”.


I am very grateful to almighty and my peers by the virtue of which I am selected as a president of this prestigious institute.

In this era of knowledge and technological advancements where everyone is running to get the success, I have been chosen with more expectation where I would be able to add more stars to this prestigious Institute by delivering our best in the field of academics, cultural developments and inculcating the true moral values in the future generations. So, we all have to take pledge to contribute to best of their efforts which could make our society more secured and loved places to lead quality Life by the citizens. Now I may conclude with the great hope from all of you in making our institution proud and valuable to the society. At last, I want to conclude that I will be a leader not just to represent but will work in collaboration with each one of you to achieve the best for our school.

Once and for all we may recall our Motto For God and country. Proud to be a Xavierian, Jai Hind!


We the Xaverian’s are quite fortunate to have received the opportunity of studying in this prestigious institution with the guidance and blessings of our respected fathers and teachers, our school is attaining new peaks of success day by day. It’s really an honor for me to be the president of this school. For me it’s like a dream coming true. It is said that students are the future of our country and St. Xavier’s High school has given us a platform to develop our true leadership potential, so that, in future we can lead our country to a better path of development. To serve and live ‘For God and Country’ is our motto, so let us try our best to excel ourselves in all spheres of academic life and work for the “Greater Glory of God”, So that, in future we can lead our country to a better path of development. so that we can bring fame and glory to our school and maintain its dignity and legacy forever and ever.

My wonderful years at this prestigious institution, St. Xavier's High School has left an indelible impression on my heart and soul and has shaped my life in many beyond measure. The love and the guidance of Fr. Rector, Fr. Principal and Fr. Vice Principal and all the teachers and the support and cooperation of all of you my dear friends has made this you are special for me as the President. I wish all of you all the very best. Make the best of this opportunity and convert all your potential into actuality. So let's work very hard and take our school to new Heights. Remembering the motto of our school "For God And Country".

Oh its fine , its great , its marvellous
St. Xavier's Gold and Blue
We learn to serve our fellowmen
For God And Our Country too.

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