Lion |
 Panther |
 Tiger |
 Leopard |
The school students are grouped into four houses. The houses are: Panthers, Tigers,
Leopards, Lions.
Every year, two captains or student councils for each house are elected to represent
the student body, each house has a House Captain and a House Vice Captain – generally
students of grades 10 and 9 respectively. Reporting to them are the House Representatives
– one for each of the other grades. Nomination is based on academics, community
involvement, behaviour and popularity in school.
In addition to leading their respective houses, the student council maintains discipline
around the campus. Unlike a political system, the student council has no power and
cannot vote on decisions made by the school itself.
The houses compete against each other in sports. On the annual sports day, the winning
house is declared on the basis of points earned by its students throughout the year.