Francis was born on 7th April 1506 to Don Juan De Jassu and Maria De Alpilcueta among the band of seven brothers and sisters. Francis, whose ambition lay rather in becoming a distinguished scholar and doctor of philosophy, or following an ecclesiastical career in his native Navarre (Spain), where his father was the President of the royal council.
But at the famed University of Paris he fell under the spell of St. Ignatius of Loyola, who during two years of companionship never ceased to admonish him: 'What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, if he suffers the loss of his soul'. These golden words by Ignatius changed him completely and along with St Ignatius and other companions they laid the foundation of the Society of Jesus. At only a day's notice, Francis set out for God in Indies, in 1542. Francis buried himself learning the local language, nursing the sick, preaching and teaching catechism.
Ten years of missionary labour had taken Francis into over 50 kingdoms, enabling him to win almost a million of souls for God. He succumbed to fever on his way to China on Sancianisland on 3rd December, 1552. In 1553 his body was found incorrupt and fresh. Till date his body is preserved and venerated in BomJesu Basilica at Goa.
St. Francis Xavier was beatified in 1619 and canonized by Pope Gregory XV on 12th March, 1622.

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